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  • Email
  • streetcause@gmail.com
  • Location
  • Ft.No.205(Moghal Emami-
    Complex),St.No.7, Veer Nagar,
    Chintal basthi road,khairtabad, Hyderabad, TS.
  • Street Cause India
  • SC Gold
  • HYA
  • SC PAW
  • SC Innovation and Research
  • SC Pride


Eforce is the fastest growing unit of Street Cause, which has been establishing eco clubs in urban and rural schools to instil a 'green sense' of responsibility and accountability, in the young minds, for our indiscretions towards the nature. Thus, empowering and enabling them to make greener choices for the recovery of damaged ecosystems. Street Cause Eforce Conducts events like mass plantation drive, awareness programs and conduction of Science fairs in schools to spread the knowledge about environmental safety.


Street Cause PAW is started with a scope to make this world a better place for animals. PAW which is the comprehension to People for Animal Welfare works so as to bring awareness amongst the people about Animal welfare, conducts adoption camps, supports Animal Sanctuaries by adopting animals, creating a shelter for street animals. Street Cause PAW is an open platform for all, any animal lover who wishes to be a part of Animal Welfare can be a part of Street Cause PAW.

SC Pride

Street Cause Pride was started during the Pride month (June) of 2020 to spread awareness about the LBGTQ+ community among the public, mainly among the student community! Through the interaction with the student community at Street Cause for more than 12 years (and counting) we've observed that there's still countless, otherwise rational and aware people who have extreme misconceptions about the community, originating from lack of information or pre-conceived notions. Street Cause Pride endeavours to change this by engaging in conversations about the community and battling stereotypes and notions to help people to be more inclusive and in making spaces safe for  LGBTQ+ folks. It makes one recognise their privilege and how to use it to be a good ally. It brings us immense joy to say that we have conducted The First Street Cause Virtual Pride Parade in the Pride Month of 2021, bringing together allies and folks from the community from across cities to one safe, happy event! The Pride team looks forward to brining about more conversations and clearing misconceptions, and to do our bit for the LGBTQ+ community.

Street Cause PAW is started with a scope to make this world a better place for animals. PAW which is the comprehension to People for Animal Welfare works so as to bring awareness amongst the people about Animal welfare, conducts adoption camps, supports Animal Sanctuaries by adopting animals, creating a shelter for street animals. Street Cause PAW is an open platform for all, any animal lover who wishes to be a part of Animal Welfare can be a part of Street Cause PAW.

Welcome to Street Cause

Succesfully completed 14 years of service, Street Cause, a national registered student-run NGO was started by seven young students in Hyderabad (2009) from different education institutions trying their bit to make the world around them a better place. The idea was to build a place where students turn into socially conscious leaders and uplift the living conditions of the needy people regardless of any bias or racism. Today, Street Cause has grown upto have 4000+ student volunteers, 10,000+ alumni network, completed 15,000+ projects worth INR 4.5 Cr+ impacting over 3L+ people and present over 50+ educational divisions.  We have recently expanded to 5 other cities (Bangalore, Chennai, Kochi, Pune, Vishakapatnam) with our Vision 2030; a journey from Street Cause Hyderabad to Street Cause India.  We primarily focus on delivering high-quality permanent projects and scaling the impact across the country and towards empowering the upcoming students to grow and work with the
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  • How can I make a donation?

    You can deposit funds to: Account Holder Name: Street Cause Account Number: 5666201000047 IFSC Code: CNRB0005666 Bank: Canara Bank Branch: Canara ECIL

  • How can I volunteer?

    If you are a student, you could volunteer in your college's Street Cause division/City or join our units. For details, you can reach out to one of us at, Email: streetcause@gmail.com Instagram: streetcause.india

  • The Goal of the Organization:

    The NGO was established to create a platform for the students who intend to do their bit towards the betterment of society to help the underprivileged and the destitute in any and every way possible.

"A Life without a Cause, is a Life without an Effect"

This is perhaps the most inspiring thought that aptly defines the motive of Street Cause which strives to bring consistent changes in the lives of the people.

Our Projects

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Our Mega Projects

Our Mega Projects

Project Vidya

Distribution of 700+ text boooks, note books